Why led tube will replace the traditional tube ?

What is the advantage of Led light? How I can save energy? And how can I use Led light in my house?So should i make large investment on led work lighting for my home? 
Led is abreviation of words "Light Emitting Diode". 
This is the place where You start to think so how the smaller Led light bulbs be better than my one solid 60W incandescent bulb, that I have used and replaced for years now. 

1. Low energy consumption is one of the better advantages of Led light than Incandescent and Halogen lighting. Most common used Incandescent bulbs varies somewhere between 40 - 100 watts, where the halogen lighting uses 10 - 50 watts but led tube use energy just 3 - 10 watts,so you know how led tube save energy . 
2. Next thing why prefer led tube than other light at house is what the long lifetime of led tube. Average lifetime of led tube may be than 50000 hours or about 15-20 years. Can You imagine how many incandescent or halogen light,You will need to replace within that period. 
One of the advantages of Led light is that it achieves full brightness instantly. Led tube  lighting is saving energy with long lifetime and gives You wonderful good brightness instantly in world.